Photon OS 3.0 has been released and installing it on Raspberry Pi could not be easier, lets get started!

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Model B+ board and SD Card (WiFi USB Dongle, Optional)
  • PC equipped with an SD Card Reader and software utilities to flash an image onto an SD-Card (Etcher recommended)
  • Photon OS 3.0 Image for Raspberry Pi (Download)
  • Photon OS 3.0 Documentation

Prepare Photon Image
  1. Download and Extract the Photon OS Raspberry Pi image to the folder of your choice
  2. Connect your SD Card Reader and SD Card to your PC
  3. Launch Etcher, select extracted Image from Step 1 and click Flash!

  1. Once complete, eject your SD Card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Initial Configuration
  1. Connect up your RPi including display, keyboard, local area network and power on.
  2. Change root password using initial login credentials (username: root | password: changeme)

Network Configuration
  1. Check the status of the network service by issuing the following command :
systemctl status systemd-networkd

  1. Confirm that you have pulled a LAN Dynamic IP address :
ip addr

  1. Congrats! Your Photon OS 3.0 enabled RPi is now ready to Rock! You can peruse the official documentation and command line information here.

Optional: Docker Application Configuration (Nginx Web Server)
  1. Install Docker :
tdnf install docker

  1. Initialize Docker engine :
systemctl start docker
  1. Start Nginx Web Server :
docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx

  1. Connect/Validate Nginx Web Server locally:

  1. Validate Remote accessibility via another workstation on your network (issue an ‘ ip addr ’ command if you need to identify the RPi eth0 interface) :

Optional: Configure Wireless Networking
  1. Start the wpa_supplicant service so that you can utilize wpa commands to configure WiFi :
  1. Connect to wpa_cli :
wpa_cli -i wlan0

  1. Scan for available wireless networks :
  1. Check list of scanned networks :

  1. Add the network (this command returns your network ID) :
  1. Add the SSID of your choice using your network ID :
set_network {network ID} ssid {"ssid_name"}
  1. For a WPA2 network, set the passphrase :
set_network {network ID} psk {"passphrase"}
  1. Enable the network :
enable_network {network ID}
  1. Save the config :

  1. Exit wpa_cli using :
  1. Create a /etc/systemd/network/ file with the following contents :
  1. Change permissions on the newly created file :
chmod 644
  1. Restart systemd-networkd using :
systemctl restart systemd-networkd

  1. Set wpa_supplicant service to start at RPi boot :
systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlan0
  1. Validate WiFi Connectivity by dropping the eth0 port or unplugging the LAN cable 🙂
ifconfig eth0 down
  1. You can use the Photon OS default package manager (Tiny Dandified Yum) to check for an external (Internet) update via the WiFi interface for the Photon Management Daemon Command-line interface (pmd-cli) :
tdnf install pmd-cli

(It is not necessary to complete this command unless you want to).

Where to go for more information:
Photon OS GitHub